Who we are

Xsperienza is a company specialized in the production of typical Italian wines.


The origin of our wine lies in the localities of Bussia di Monforte d’Alba and Rivalta di La Morra immersed in the territory known throughout the world for its hazelnuts, its truffles and its wine.

La peculiarità del nostro vino è fondamentalmente legata al fatto che in un passato remoto questa regione era sommersa dal mare. Ritirandosi ha lasciato nel terreno il nutrimento necessario alle nostre vigne di cui si nutrono ancora oggi.

Non è raro, infatti, imbattersi in fossili marini durante le passeggiate tra le nostre vigne.

Questa terra possiede una storia ed un valore gastronomico unici, tanto da essere stata nominata dall’Unesco, nel 2014, patrimonio dell’umanità.

Why our wine is special?


Like diamonds, our vineyards are located in a small delimited territory, the Langhe, comparable to the size of an atoll in the middle of the ocean, where the “cru” of Bussia is located inside.

The term “cru” refers to a portion of the territory which, due to its geological characteristics, gives rise to particularly valuable vineyards. The Bussia cru is a small portion of the Langhe atoll.

It is therefore easy to understand how much the wine produced from this land is quantitatively limited. These conditions make our product extremely valuable and elitist.

Just as the value of a rough diamond is decreed by the skill of the master carver, the delicacy of our wine is also due to the skill that our oenologists together with our winemakers have acquired over the centuries to transform grapes into wine.

Why choose Xsperienza?

Xsperienza has developed a commercial strategy capable of offering not only an elite wine at an affordable price but, included in the price, we also offer all our commercial partners a section of our site where they can enter their contacts so that they can also be reached. from our customers and advertise their business for free.

Moreover :

We will be able to find other business partners with whom to grow our mutual business
Our sommeliers will always be at your disposal ready to illustrate the characteristics of our highly prized wines
Our marketing will support you to make our collaboration immediately profitable

Xsperienza also has among its objectives that of developing an international brand.

Picture of Giotto Xsperienza



Corso Turati, 23 torino




